Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I want to be vegetarian again.

I don't want to complain anymore. I don't I don't I don't. I am going to suck it up and know it will all be over in two months.
[I just wish I had at least a little control and didn't get this overwhelming feeling like I'm being smothered sometimes.]

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I am not going to class again today.
I don't want to.
Really, there is nothing wrong with the class, other than the fact it's so easy it's a joke.
We have a professor with a very apologetic tone and we sit in a circle and talk about great works of race.
And I haven't been able to force myself to go in two weeks.
I do the reading, and then when it comes time to walk to class, I cannot bring myself to do it.

So, maybe I'm not as "better" as I'd like to believe.

&This is why I am withdrawing from the university's spring semester tomorrow at 8am.

I'm not skipping class because I'm such a party animal. Or because I have anything better to do. I'm skipping class because apparently I am just as depressed as I have been for the past five years, except I've lost any and all desire to fake it anymore. I've faked school for too long and I really just cannot do it anymore.
I am perfectly happy until I set foot onto a campus. Has anyone else noticed this?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you.

So I could talk about how I am upset that my friends stood me up for dinner last night, after infinite "We'll be there in fifteen minutes" calls, which basically and directly resulted in me not getting to see a concert I really wanted to go to.
But I got on my computer this morning and saw this picture that I didn't know had been taken
and somehow I just realize I don't have anything to complain about.

My weekend was great. Really, really, great.

I enjoy getting on the wrong highway and driving 45 minutes in the wrong direction with you, because we are too busy talking to realize neither of us know where we are. And you don't get mad at me when I tell you the wrong exit... four times... and we pass it then have to turn around... three times.
I also enjoy taking you to the asian market because you call entire aisles of things "crunchies" and kiss me on the cheek in front of unsuspecting asian strangers who can read the things that we cannot.
And I am glad that the rain ruined every plan we made and that we had to instead go out to dinner where I ordered only banana pudding and drank water through a bendy straw. I am happy we had to resort to grocery shopping and dinner making and cuddling instead of partying and getting schwasted.
