Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I am not going to class again today.
I don't want to.
Really, there is nothing wrong with the class, other than the fact it's so easy it's a joke.
We have a professor with a very apologetic tone and we sit in a circle and talk about great works of race.
And I haven't been able to force myself to go in two weeks.
I do the reading, and then when it comes time to walk to class, I cannot bring myself to do it.

So, maybe I'm not as "better" as I'd like to believe.

&This is why I am withdrawing from the university's spring semester tomorrow at 8am.

I'm not skipping class because I'm such a party animal. Or because I have anything better to do. I'm skipping class because apparently I am just as depressed as I have been for the past five years, except I've lost any and all desire to fake it anymore. I've faked school for too long and I really just cannot do it anymore.
I am perfectly happy until I set foot onto a campus. Has anyone else noticed this?

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